Was da Chimp a Wimp?

Looking over Bush miltary record -AWOL-etc. he was in some kinda "Champagne" division of the Texas Air National Guard -priveleged kids avoiding the -Maybe some really wanted to guard Texas-Dunno-


  • And, what's wrong with serving in the Guard?? At least he didn't go AWOL or run like a coward to Canada. Now, let's look at Clinton's military record in that same period. Can't find one?? Well, well.

  • Don't know.

    Gore had "personal bodyguards" in Nam so the soldiers couldn't make fun of the Little Elite Rich Boy.

    His daddy, Senator Albert Gore Sr., paid for the bodyguards.

    Clinton was an out & out Draft Dodger who wrote that he "loathed the military".

    Clinton protested in Britain against the US, and chanted: "Ho Chi, Ho Chi Minh"!

    Now, that's a Real Traitor.

  • Didn't Clinton run to Canada? Atleast he parlayed his time into a few appearances. Just wait, when faced with the Selective Services draw and then a draft what will u do?

  • What? George isn't a decorated war hero. Oh yeah, they had higher standards to join the military back then and I think they were not allowing tards to fight in the war back in the day.

  • I guess because his daddy pulled him from any real service, and he didn't want to go and serve his country anyway.

  • put it to you this way

    he was a cheerleader

    need anybody say more

    how tuff did you think a "male cheerleader" was when you were in school

    War President

    what a joke

  • Bush is a whimp!!

  • Dan Rather, are you trying to be hip?

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