Major NFL Fantasy Trade! Help??

I trade:

Tom Brady

Jerricho Cotchery

I receive:

Tony Romo

Chad Johnson

He accepted. So was it a good deal?


  • absolutly!! although Tom is the Most CONSISTANT and best QB in NFL right now Romo is growing and can only do better obviously...

    Chad will pick up more yards than Jerricho and also more TD's i believe...u made a good decision i believe on the trade...High caliber QB for a great caliber QB with a GREAT WR pick up!!


  • Yes, it was not an amazing deal, but I would say you got the better side.

    The thing with fantasy qbs is that there are usually 5 equally good, top-tier of them. As long as you have a Brady, Romo, Manning, Palmer etc, your good to go. You also got a big upgrade on Chad Johnson. Nice Trade!

  • Tom Brady and Tony Romo can be roughly compared in the regular season, but I don't think trading Brady was a wise move.

    Yes Ocho Cinco might be good, but he's not consistent. There will probably only be 4 games where the majority of his number will come from.

    So no, I don't think it was a good move.

    However, the regular season hasn't started yet...Who knows, maybe Romo and Ocho Cinco will be on fire,,,

  • Brady is obviously the best qb, but Cotchery isn't amazing. Romo is rated the second best fantasy qb (behind Brady), and Johnson will have a big season, and hes A LOT better than Cotchery. This is a very good for you.

  • it depends on what kind of players you were looking its hard to answer this question. if you wanted a good QB then you shouldnt of traded tom brady even thought tony romo is OK. but if you wanted a good WR then you made the right move.

  • Ehhh i dont think so.

    Chad isnt very consistent. and TJ will take some catches away from him because he had improved even more and will be a stud this year.

    So i dont think i would of done that trade. Sorry

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