Why do most marriages fail?

Never been married but I have to write a term paper and I closed my other question and didn't mean too... haven't used this whole question and answer thing too much so....

Why do marriages fail?


  • Infidelity is the main cause of divorce.

    For an interesting - albeit sad twist - you might include in your paper

    the fact that couples who lose a child to death usually end up divorcing.

  • Lack of true, sincere, good, old-fashioned LOVE! If there's enough of this-it can help overcome a lot of problems and issues. If not, marriage is doomed...

  • 1. People have different expectations of what marriage involves, different thoughts on their roles within it, and didn't really discuss this/work it out with their partner BEFORE tying the knot, and come to an acceptable place for the both of them. Major issues - family/children, where to live, where/who works, what happens with the money, values and goals in life (home, travel, toys/technology, security, religion/morals)- you should KNOW what your partner wants/feels.

    2. People don't realise that marriages (like all things worthwhile in life) take work/nurturing to keep healthy and alive. It isn't "happy ever after", and just because effort is required doesn't mean it was wrong in the first place. They give up too soon.

    3. Selfishness. People assume that the other OWES them happiness and that the failure is theirs if they are not "happy".

    4. People didn't really know what THEY wanted when the went into the marriage and find themselves not happy with the result. Or sometimes their partner changes in what they wanted.

    5. People don't realise that "LOVE" is MORE than just a feeling - it a choice, and a series of ACTIONS. It is reflected in the way you interact with your partner - or it doesn't exist.

  • often it comes down to one simple thing: sex.

    Too much, not enough, not having the same expectations, not having the same interests in the bedroom

  • They weren't as in love as they thought


    Spark goes away


    One becomes abusive

    One changes and not for the better

  • I Think lake of trust and mutual understanding.


  • Because women fantasise their whole life about having a wedding, and men are led by their penis. The marriages that stay together are those that met someone they were actually interested. Not just the wedding and not just the sex.

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