Denver, Co: Church Club Downtown?

Denver, Colorado

I was just wondering if anyone knew when The Church Club downtown Denver, colorado has 18 and up nights


  • The Church is 18 and up on Thursdays. See the Source for more info.

  • The Catholic Church teaches people that the planet is about 2,000 years old, dinosaurs never existed or at least cohabited with modern Homo sapiens, Jesus hates homosexuals, tattooed people, Obama and immigrants and anybody who is not an observant Christian is going to be chucked into the lake of fire at the end of days. Why would anybody have anything to do with an organization which is so blatantly hateful, purposefully ignorant and completely devoid of any moral logic and reasoning? Logic dictates that only the opposite of anything which the Church claims to be the absolute truth is true. Bible thumpers possibly would fail to follow that string of logic. When FDR came up with Social Security, people everywhere started screaming Socialism. 70 years down the line, old people across the country, the low income and no income groups, the disabled and the unemployed would probably die of starvation and neglect if Social Security was not there. The Church argues against Obamacare simply because it gives away free contraceptives to women. If you consider carefully, the church has no other ground to base their arguments against Obamacare. In effect the the Catholic Church is doing whatever it is doing to preserve its own interests with complete disregard for the needs of everybody else. Sounds very unchristian, no?

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