PS3 File system corrupt?

I have a 120gb slim PS3. I left it on in my room when I went to the livingroom to watch a movie. I came back and it was turned off. I turn it on and get the message "The file system on the system storage is corrupted and will be restored". My only option is to click ok. It gets to about 48% and reboots, and I get the same message again. Keeps repeating it over and over. I've tried starting the PS3 in Safe Mode and using the "Restore File System" and "Rebuild Database" options, but when I click them it says "Preparing, please wait" and just sits there like that without doing anything else. I'm really trying to avoid using the "Restore PS3 System" option as I don't want to lose all my data and saved games. Please help, thanks.


  • Turn off PS3 so the red light is on.

    Hold and keep holding the power button. The console will turn on, and eventually turn off again.

    Once off, with the red light on again, press and hold the power button. You will hear one beep, another single beep after that, and then two beeps in a row. After the two beeps, let go of the power button so it doesn't turn off again and you'll end up in the system recovery menu. From here there are a few options. Now this is important, DO NOT CLICK ON 'RESTORE PS3'. That will wipe the HDD clean. You don't want that. :O

    What you want is the other two options, 'restore ps3 database', takes about 5 minutes, and 'restore ps3 file system' (your bootup code, restoring is almost instant).

    These two options will not delete any content on your HDD, but it will nuke any music playlists you have, and if you edited track information on any mp3s, say you renamed them all to something less ambigous than "track 01", the names and other altered data will revert. (srsly, get a keyboard)

    Do this and you'll notice a significant improvement on your performance in proportion to how much you use the machine. Keep in mind that any hard drive intensive game like DCUO, Socom Confrontation, PSN downloads, etc will make a mess of your hard drive over time, so restoring the database at least will tidy it up and reorganize files to faster access. If you have a 300gb hard drive and your drive is almost maxed out you're probably going to want to do this twice a month.

    Hope it helps - finally synced my trophy data in just under 2 minutes.

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    PS3 File system corrupt?

    I have a 120gb slim PS3. I left it on in my room when I went to the livingroom to watch a movie. I came back and it was turned off. I turn it on and get the message "The file system on the system storage is corrupted and will be restored". My only option is to click ok. It gets to about...

  • got same problem once i restarted the ps3 system played Dragon's domga then went off by it self when i clicked on P button it gave me again the same problem // i think u need 2 get it to sony or 2 change ur console .. :/ that's rly mess btw .. my ps3 Ages 6 years old so maybe urs got old too though!

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  • For the best answers, search on this site

    The best answer I can give is to note the error code, write the very long number at the back by the power cable and call Sony direct (PSN support) and explain the problem. They'll advise the best way to resolve the problem

  • Brother I'm a sorry but you might be SOL I would call to see if maybe sony can retrieve your data or if they can fix it, if you did all you could without reseting the darn thing then you did what you could sorry man

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