Is acute Bronchitis a reasonable diagnosis?

My symptoms started on Sunday with just a dry cough. That night i didn't sleep at all because i was coughing so much. Monday i stayed home from school because i had a lot of chest congestion (i took medication, drank water, and took a hot shower, this didnt help dramatically but it made it a little better.) when i coughed (sorry this is a little gross) spit out mucus after i coughed that looked green-ish. I'm pretty sure that means i have an infection, but i read somewhere that Bronchitis includes a small infection that will cure it self with out antibiotics. So i stayed home from school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday but i went today. The only symptoms i had today was a nasty cough and trouble breathing when i walk. Right now i have a dry nagging cough.

Do you think i have acute bronchitis? Or is it just a lot of chest congestion?


  • Yes you have acute bronchitis. Chest congestion always accompanys this. Get youreself some over the counter Mucinex to help clear the congestion faster and free your work of breathing. Sleep with a humidifier in your room, to keep the mucus loose, and keep taking steam showers, too. You will get over this without antibiotics, it will just take about 7-10 days, sometimes longer.

  • I once suffered from Chronic Bronchitis. I would suffer sometimes 3 to 4 times per year! Usually when there was a major change in the pressure outside (I live in the north, and the temperature spikes and dips do wonders to chronic sufferers of bronchitis!). Each time I would get horrible hacking coughs, hoarking up green was so frustrating!

    The key to getting rid of your bronchitis is to find a way to completely eliminate the germs that are causing all the phlegm and irritation leading to your hoarking cough and heavy breathing. Keep reading to learn how to do kill these germs!!

    This page it will change your life and make you feel 100% better within just 24 hours!

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