Brand new poem! comments?

Give me a smile

That will stay for awhile

Love lasts a lifetime

Without you the faith would die

Say I love you one more time

Forgive my lies forgive my mistakes

I hope to god its never to late

A new chance something different

Without being the last one

To live in fear

Your presence brings me here

Together in one piece

How beautiful and sweet

Say I love you one more time

Just to remind of your gracious kind

Tears we cry

When we feel darkness rises

Your smile will bring out the brightest light

And the faith will be alive

Don't be afraid to change

Say I love you one more time

To keep dreaming about your life

Without love no one would survive

This is the pure truth in existince

I hope we can meet at the same distance


  • nice! i see you have a real love for writing.hopefully you will keep writing!!!

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