How do i better control by diabetes?

I have a a1c of 10.7. Sometimes when I hang out with friends I don't take the time to test when I eat and I just plug in a random number for insulin. Sometimes I forget to test in general. So how can I work to remember to test with distractions such as friends?


  • Remind yourself that if you inject and incorrect amount of insulin, you could go hypo fast and end up in the hospital (if you're lucky enough to have friends who call 911; some people would just let you lie there thinking you are drunk and you could die). Remind yourself that if you allow your glucose to go high and it stay up there and this happens frequently enough, you could go blind or begin to have other diabetic-related problems--including the ones you aren't even aware of until you stroke out or have heart failure because you've subjected them to glucose overload too often. You've got a serious disease, it's not something to play with, not something you can be "cool" about and ignore. Being responsible for your own healthy, for seeing to your own insulin need correctly, for knowing when to put your partying off for a few minutes while you minister to your diabetes--it;s what a mature, responsible person does because if you can't do this for yourself, how are you ever going to care for anyone else? Once you get in to the habit of ministering to yourself routinely without letting your friends get in your way (which, incidentally, is a real lame excuse), it'll become second nature to you and you probably won't hardly have to think about it, you'll just attend to it fast and get on with the stuff that is more fun.

  • There is no magic way of remembering to test. It's about maturity and responsibility. Test before you put anything in your mouth!

  • the word focus should be in your head!

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