Mass Effect & Mass Effect 2?
I am 14 and I am allowed to play any M game except for GTA IV. I was going to buy both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 today, but the guy at the cashier said Mass Effect had a sex scene in it, and he wasn't sure what was in Mass Effect 2. Are either of them really that bad? Should I be allowed to play them? I've heard that the sex scene only comes if you make certain choices and it's real hard to do. Which, I won't make those choices. My parents don't care about the blood, gore, violence, language, or drug use... it's only the sexual content. Do you think I should be allowed to play it?
"My parents don't care about the blood, gore, violence, language, or drug use... it's only the sexual content."
Problem with our country #1... But I digress...
In the original Mass Effect, it was possible for a sex scene to appear if you made the choices that would lead to it (meaning you went for romance), but otherwise you'll never see it. The media just blew the whole thing way out of proportion.
I haven't gotten very far in Mass Effect 2, but the trailers seem to show a part from what may be a sex scene. If there is one, though, it's very, very minor and will probably once again require the right choices.If your parents think you're mature enough to handle all of those other things in a game, a 40 hour game with a 2 minute sex scene that may or may not even appear shouldn't pose an issue.
They both do. Its a RPG, you can make your character male or female, and date any number of different characters if you want to. You aren't required to date them, and you're not required to have sex with them. Its all the way you talk to them throughout the game, and the choices you make. Its pretty obvious what you need to say. You can play the entire game and have totally professional relationships with everybody.
If you do decide to, the scene shows no "naughty bits". It's probably about as graphic as a Victoria's Secret catalog. The scene is about ... a minute long? Its all over YouTube, and they don't censor it.
Its funny that your parents let you play a game where people's heads get blown off, but any suggested sexuality is not allowed. Mass Effect is a great game, with a lot of good messages, and I would think it would be better for a teenager to play than CoD or any super-violent game (not that I would stop you). Meh, well, I'm not a parent.
Yes, you should definitely play the Kasumi, Overlord and Lair of the Shadow Broker DLCs before you move onto Mass Effect 3, and maybe the Arrival DLC as well, although it isn't quite as good as the others. The DLCs add a lot to the game in terms of story.
Also, you should play Mass Effect 1 before ME2 if you haven't already, since there's 40+ hours of story that you could be missing out on that's essential to the series. 
The "sex" scene in ME wasn't anything at all but the media made a big stink about it anyway. As I recall, the main character goes with an alien woman, then you see a hand against fogged glass, and that's it. You're not guaranteed to see then scene at all, as your interaction is based on choices in conversation, but even if it does play, it's really not sexual at all.
That said, Mass Effect is an awesome game, so go for it.
It's bio ware, they're famous for sex but it's always a choice never forced.
Also the sex scenes are like looking at a lingerie section in a clothes catalogue, they're really not that bad at all, you've probably seen worse walking to school.