Do most teen bullies come from Republican families?

If Mitt Romney is an example of what Republican families are Truly all about I would say so


Does Mitt Romney still have a high school bully inside ...

Mitt Romney's high school bullying could be a key to his callous nature.,0,6110988.story - Cached

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I admit I love it when Republicans /Cons prove my point .

As they do so often here on Y/A


  • The class chauvanism Romney displayed during his 47% remarks gives a clear insight into the mind of a man born in the clouds whose feet have never touched ground in his whole life.

  • Lol...poor obama...poor baby, he got bullied by the big bad mean Mitt Romney...and right on national TV in front of 70 million viewers...I guess obama's daddy never taught him to speak up for himself when challenged and meet force with force. You libs really are a pathetic lot...he's the F'n president of the united states...and this supposedly great intellect with soaring oratorical skills...and he was on stage for 90 mins 10 feet away from Mitt....and he layed an egg...and you guys can't handle the truth...that was obama...he was prepared...that is who he is.

  • Tells look at Bill Clinton for a minute

  • Do most ADULT liberal bullies and thugs come from liberal families?

    Teacher bullies student for wearing Romney t-shirt, calls her a member of the KKK, and Stacy Dash, black actress, is the target of racism and hate speech for tweeting that she supports Romney.

    That was just in the last day.

  • Obama picked on a fat chick in school.

  • actually psychiatrists did a study and actually found that to be true

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