Victim refuses to press charges?

Alright, 19 year old girl, along with 2 other people, living in the same house as a 40ish year old man. She's renting a bedroom there.

This man is crude, makes constant sexual advances on her, and one female roommate that moved out not too long ago as well. It's gotten to the point (now that she is single) where he will whip his member out right in front of her as long as no one else is around.

She's made it blatantly obvious, told him to his face, etc, that she want's nothing to do with him.

She'd move, but the lease isn't up until March.

She refuses to go to the police for harassment or whatnot, because she's been screwed over by the police so many times she hates them that much.

I don't know why no one else in the building will go to the police.

I'm her friend, and I've finally had enough. What can I do, knowing she will refuse to testify against him, she probably won't even admit anything happens.

For a short time I tried dating her, and he told me to my face that he'd keep ******* with her, but it's my word verses that of a US Army Vet.

Her latest ex has spoken to him about it, but it's done nothing. I haven't personally because the only thing he respects is threats of violence. He's about 6 feet tall with hams for fists, and I'm a gamer. I'm not going to threaten him with violence.

Is there anything I can do? If I call the police, can they do anything without her cooperation? She has no where to go as she can barely afford the rent there, much less carry that rent and move elsewhere (to keep covering the lease)

And to make matters worse, I'm worried she may relapse from when she was raped as a child because of this. She's the one that mentioned the possibility, so she must be as well.

If it helps, I archive all my talks with her on Yahoo, so I can prove she's said things are happening, but I don't know if those can replace her saying so in person.


I have no way of funding her move or providing a new residence. If I did, I would have a long time ago.

She doesn't have a record, but the rape case was thrown out for some bs reason, she has a natural distaste for the police being an immigrant (which I don't understand, those are her words) and I know there's more, I just don't remember atm.

Also, this was just the last straw for me, she's been dealing with fondling and such for over 2 months. It's sexual harassment, it's not "no big deal for an adult", which you're obviously not if you think that.

I'm sorry, I'm not an idiot, I'm not going to go and shoot someone. The law exists for a reason. I'd appreciate only serious answers from now on.


  • Maybe if she gets a visit by a police officer it may make her talk but other than that if she is not willing to tell police what is going on then it will continue. My question why wont she say anything or why does she does she let this continue. There is a reason for it. This distaste she has for the police cannot help her. Its seems she does not want this help or she would at least let someone help her in this matter. Until she is willing to confront him in court you cannot do anything about it if she is not.

    You cannot prove sexual advances in court if she is allowing this to happen without a fight.If i was her boyfriend I would help her find another place to live.There is an old saying you cannot help those who

    wont help themselves. Sad but true.

  • You're a gamer and won't threaten violence? You don't threaten, you 'apply/do' violence or shut up. If your that concerned- provide a home for 'victim' and pay costs of move-- IF you're capable. She gets flashed and dirty talk only??- no big deal to adult which she is and you apparently aren't or you wouldn't be posting here for laughs. Anything else to do if you are incapable of providing home and funds??- Yes, provide affective violence to stop him and take the results if you get caught doing something stupid- like using a old P08 Luger as you have posted as your favorite gun (and 15 years old?) . And further info on girl would be handy- like the distrust of police because she may have a record? .

  • It would be futile to attempt to prosecute a crime like that without the alleged victim's cooperation. If it were actual physical abuse, you could try, but harassment is so subjective it would be pointless.

    Instead why don't you take out your anger on the legal system that has failed your friend so badly she feels she can't turn to it for help.

  • Victims cannot press charges. State prosecutors press charges; victims just report crimes to the police and testify in court. In practice, however, there's not much the police can do if she refuses to cooperate.

    You can report him to the police yourself if you like. In theory, they can investigate the crime and press charges themselves. In practice, they'll need to talk to her and get her cooperation for the case to go anywhere.

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