My dog's eye problem.?

I have a dog. He is about a year and a half. He is a beautiful Pomeranian. He is super sweet and super loveable. I got him about 2 or 3 months ago. He has a cataract in one eye and his other eye is closed. He opens his other eye but it is very slightly. I think he can see out of it because when you look you can see what part of his eye is showing on the closed one and it follows my finger if I wave it in front of his face. Also when you look in his closed eye it seems like there some sort of film that is over his eye.

Has anyone ever had a problem with there dog like this? And is this fixable? The owner that I got him from says that his eyes have been this way since his birth. But it seems as the days go on his closed eye keep opening more and more.

I am planning on taking him to a vet about this within the next month or so. But I was just wondering if anyone knows about this to give me a little hope about my puppies eye site :D


Also there is no crustys or goop around his eye. It is just closed. And there is a film over it. Its not goop or crust. I'm not sure what it is. When he moves his eye you can see that there is an eye in there. (like i figured that he was just born with one eye.) I'm going to upload a picture of him on my profile on here. He has beautiful healthy eyes except for the fact that one has a cataract and one is closed.


  • Sorry but I cannot believe this. You got the dog 2 - 3 months ago in this condition and you haven't yet taken him to a vet.

    You MUST do something about this before he becomes totally blind. Quite honestly the previous owner is to blame for not taking the dog and for passing on a dog that is going to cost a lot of money.

    But you took him on and as such you should do your best by this dog.

    Take him to a vet now, not in a month or two.

  • Your poor dog has an eye infection. You can take it to the vet or buy some eye drops. You can wipe away the goop but do not scrub off the crusty stuff. I have had several kittens with the same thing.

  • Sounds like he will have scratched the cornea or probably even has a perforation(tear via the attention floor) both manner he demands to visit the vet he's going to evaluate and most of the time supply an eye fixed antibiotic.Don't wait too lengthy on the grounds that it might worsen and your puppy might grow to be blind if no longer cared for.

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