How to pass a drug test?

I just got the job, have to go down to the clinic an take a drug test. I have my buddy's pee and he doesn't smoke weed. What exactly should I do with the bottle to make sure I pass the test? I know it needs to be at body temp or whatever.

Recommendations needed and appreciated. Thx


  • Whilst trying to be seriouse, store bottle in your pants. Tape it to your groin (works best if you're shaved) or if you're brave enough, store in where the sun doesn't shine - at least then you'll know it'll be body temprature.

    If you go with the second option, just be careful to not let it totally submerg. Or you could "dack" it, which means to store It in your pants, preferably wear at least two pairs of underwear and put it inbetween pairs.

    Empty his bottle into yours, so you hand them back the same container, and try pee at the same time because you may need to be supervised whilst giving the sample.

  • How about don't do drugs before a drug test?

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