Is Obama A Socialist?

I keep hearing from people that Obama is a socialist. I was wondering If he really is a socialist or if he just spends too much and wants to redistribute the wealth, isn't that socialism?


  • everyone in this country should be scared to death of obama's policies. He wants America to fail. He hates our success under capitalism, even though that same capitalism made him and his cronies rich. I think alot of folks really wanted to excuse him on the grounds that his failure was a result of ignorance and inexperience.

    But the more you look -- and the more you contemplate his miserable record -- the more you'd have to wonder if it's true what some have said. That he INTENDED to crash the American free enterprise system by hamstringing business so that it couldn't function and THEN dumping a bunch of new people on the welfare system in order to deliberately make capitalism fail. If you'd really look into his whole past, I believe you'd understand his hidden agenda.

  • 1. Spending too much and wanting to redistribute wealth is NOT socialism. (Reagan did plenty of both. If Obama is a socialist, the same applies to Reagan.)

    2. A REAL socialist wants a central planner to control the economy ... deciding how much of everything we need, and making that stuff. Obama has endorsed market based solutions to major problems (health care, global warming, etc.)

    3. Republicans are bat$#!^ crazy. You should automatically tune out anyone who claims Obama is a socialist.

  • Yes, because he wants to redistribute the wealth, and because he wants government to have direct control over businesses, ideally by his actions to even own the business directly. Most Democrats are more socialists than not.

    And schools are not an example of true socialism unless government provided and controlled them, which government doesn't, separately elected school boards do. However, government does pay for them, and can legislate regarding them. Thus, in a game of politics, it may seem government does have a fair level of control over them. But what is government going to do if the school board refuses to accept what government wants? Unless government can get some kind of law forcing the school board to comply, the school board can choose to do what it wants regarding the schools under its jurisdiction.

    Libraries are an example of socialism if nobody but government was allowed to provide them. But private industry is allowed to provide libraries, and the private businesses called institutions of higher learning provide many of them.

    I like what Nomad said up there, on number 2 because it's exactly right, and based upon the actions of Democrats, and not just their words, it's exactly what Democrats want if they could get it. But people like Obama are smart enough to know that such a goal is impossible to attain right now, and would cause them to lose their job, so they'll say one thing that sounds better or like a compromise as they further tighten their control in the direction of socialism. This is how we know that, ideally, the Democrat, like Obama, typically wants government to control everything. They just know that right now it's impossible without risking their next election bid.

    This is why you have to read actions deeper than just what they tell you to believe. Liberals like Nomad up there tend to believe what they tell him/her to believe. That's why he/she's a liberal and thinks the rest of us are just idiots.

  • Come on, this became settled months in the past. Obama is a islamofascistsocialist. Plus he became secretly born in Indonesia by making use of a kin of pirates, who're completely related to Bin Ladin, who himself became an offspring of Hitler. it is so frightening that he fooled everybody that it makes Glenn Beck cry.

  • It's not all or nothing... libraries and public schools are socialism...

  • Obama is insufferable.

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