Miami Dade & Pitbulls?

Why are pitbulls only banned in Dade county and not other county's like Broward,etc.


  • A few very high profile dog bite cases hit the news and the common council reacts.

  • Because of the fact that people assmue that one breed is bad after a few isolated incidents. Take for example the rap pit bulls and Rotties have gotten as "Big Vicious bad dogs". This rap is due partly to bad owners, partely to bad breeding (dogs that should never have been bred), and partely to a few individual dogs, that are just bad eggs. However I know that this rap is not deserved. One of my co-workers has a Pit bull that is the biggest baby in the world. The dog actually tries to sleep with her, and I have two rottie mixes who would rather have attention and treats then bite you.These two are afraid of an 8lb cat!

  • Because that county was the only one to pass a BSL law. Pretty straight forward.

  • Not to be mean, but maybe because they have more uneducated, prejudiced people there? Well bred and raised pits are really sweet!

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