Do Democrats in Congress, owe General Petraeus a formal public apology?

To the utter and complete dismay of the Democrat party and those in the mainstream media, it now appears as though the surge is working.

Just last September, General Petraeus and his staff warned Democrats that things were getting better, and that even more progress could be expected as the surge continued to unfold.

But Democrats would have none of that.

What say you?


Bekindto below:

Kudos to you, some valid points you make.


  • They can apologize to Gen. Pace, the old Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

    What will be funny is all these flipfloppers will flip flop thier flipflopping @sses back and say they had "faith" all along.

  • We will be stuck there for a decade or more...that's the worst of it...sure a surge in troops has had an afffect, I had no doubt that it wouldn't, but it has been no cake walk these past few years....I'm a democrat that isn't against an armed conflict, but who will benefit? I think this is like the colonization of Africa by Europeans in the 20th century (to present)...this isn't about the people of Iraq, it's about power...and Iraq is smack dab in the middle of it....are we prepared as a country to fight everyone for this little piece of dirt and oil? We can't hold Iraq for decades without pacifying Iran and Syria. China and Russians and whoever else isn't going to be pleased with the US holding this valuable area. Insurgents will be constantly attacking US interests.

    But this is the real question: Will common American citizens benefit from pacifying the Middle East....or is this part of the "trickle down" theory again? Is it worth losing a a son for? or ten thousand sons, or maybe more? I would be behind this if the Admin. wasn't so stingy with the truth

  • Never happen. They shold have had enough sense to protect and outfit everyone when they went in. They also should have figured out if they blast a ton of people, theygot family there. That's way I thought it stupid when the last sortie came out of Bagdad, tanks and all nad were zappe, it was a waste and looks like there could hve been a way to get them to bail, maybe not but the ones up north wanted to get home. I also think, since that was one toe the largest armies over there, what would have been wrong with paying the soilders the $40 a month they made.

    It was insane to tell all of them no. $40 a month in pay and we might have been able to make a bunch happy. As it turned out they all got mad. Can yo blame them, with the $40 they could have fed the family. Oh well live and learn. take care.

  • You aren't going to like my answer, but if Bush and Cheney wouldn't have told so many whoppers, the general would have been taken at his word. Also, if Bush wouldn't have said that the report would go through him first, there would have been much less doubt. Democrats do not trust President Bush and for good reason. How many of his cronies have been busted for doing a poor job, for misleading information, or worse?

    All through the Vietnam war, we were told we were winning. I guess we won lots of battles, but lost the war. I think the skepticism from the democrats was expected, even by the general. I would imagine the democrats will apologize as soon as Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter apologize for their sick comments. You know when that will be.

  • i'm confident my fellow liberals will ask for forgiveness to popular Betrayus as quickly because of the fact the Conservatives in Georgia and Dubya ask for forgiveness to Max Cleland, the Vietnam vet and triple amputee who became into forced out of his place of work by smear campaigns created by the Republican gadget at a cost of $25,000,000 that claimed he became into equivalent to Osama Bin laden. The Republicans could additionally ask for forgiveness to Kerry for the quick Boat Liars. You Conservatives made this call-calling, grimy-shot, hits-under-the-belt mattress. NOW you're complaining which you would be able to dish it out yet you may not TAKE IT?!! Gee. My heart is breaking for you. i'm confident popular Betrayus is merely fantastic. he's a huge-unfold boy, proper?

  • I got a big kick out of watching Murtha hemming and hawing around yesterday. It was funny to watch. What an idiot. He came across like the fool he is.

  • The only thing I would bet for sure is the fact that it isn't going to happen until after the next election.

  • It's not going to happen. No point holding my breath for it. I think the General is man enough to take a little criticism - particularly if it turned out he was right after all.

  • NOPE........ the ORKIN man is there........ the roaches simply went into the woodwork to breed....... As soon as the ORKIN man leaves they will be back ...... and a little more resistant

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