Self love tips- no self esteem?

Okay so, basically, recovering from bulimia, my self esteem is worse than ever. I'm very much pear shaped. I have not much hips, but a.. Very unflat stomach which I despise. My arms are skinny and my chest is rather small, but the lower half (stomach, thighs) of my body is relatively bigger.. And I despise it. I hate myself, and I know that's a sad thing to say and I want nothing more than to feel the opposite.

If any of you could give me tips on how to go about it, I would be so greatful.


  • Be happy with wat u have

    to get a well shaped body all u need to do is

    1.jogging or cycling


    3.streching and exercise

    Everyday with dedication........

    If u do these on a regularly in a month u will c small changes in ur 3-6 months u will eventually get the desired shape.....

    But if do this routine for a couple of days n u leave the routine ur body will bulk up

    [email protected]

  • Don't call yourself ugly...ever. It will just cause people to start bullying you. People are competitive and will try to make you feel worse if they hear you're insecure. Just try to keep on improving your look, buy nice clothes that flatter your figure etc. Or just accept yourself...few people have perfect bodies.

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