Who agrees?

I get tired of people saying how hard the politicians are working to "help us out" and "protect us" and how we should pray for them because of their hard work.

I say the man in the Matal Shop is the one we should respect, I say the Soldier in Faluja is the one we should pray for.

Politicians, in the meantime are sitting in their billion dollar mansions (taxpayer funded) living it up and have the incredibly difficult task of having to go once a week to talk about politics in washington. Those poor babys, having to raise our taxes, take our freedoms, and send our children to war!

Why don't we let the man in the Metal Shop make the laws, and force the politicians to go to work and maybe earn their living for a change. And why don't we make the soldier in iraq commander in cheif, and send Bush to Falluja so we can let the president fight his own &%$* War!


  • I agree completely...Let's let the politicians go to war and see how much it makes sense. Let's make them go mine coal and see how dangerous it is.

    There's a lot of stuff in this country that politicians take for granted. Like voter loyalty!

  • Because the man in the metal shop is probably too stupid to run the country.....however, so is Bush and look how far he got.

    So yeah, let's give the guy a shot. If he doesn't work out, maybe a janitor or a 12 year old kid.

    Anything's better than what we got stuck with.

  • I just think its Ironic how people want to vote for Bush, then now they wish they hadn't. I didn't want Bush there in the 1st place. When we were attacked 9/11, Everyone wanted war, Now that the president gave it to us, Now we don't want it. What's up with that?

  • Who says politicians are working hard and trying to help us? I have been hearing, and thinking the exact oppositte for 20 years.

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