What does "Obama Urges" you to do?

Newspaper and Web ads proclaim in big, bold lettering that we should go back to school (especially housewives), refinance our house, etc., because Obama says so.

What would you have "Obama urges..." us to do?

(Do advertisers think we're dimwits or half-wits?)


Bobbyrich32- You missed my point. I do not want OUR president to fail, and I certainly encourage people to "go for it".

"Obama Urges" is becoming as lame and herd-mentality as "Must-see TV".

Update 3:

Yes, it is a marketing ploy. Obama, himself, is not involved.


  • im not to sure of the question, so i will say that i would like him to lighten up on the gun restrictions. I think that is an invasion of my right to defend myself, my household, and my country.

  • It is a marketing tool . I can not fault him for this one but I can think of about 100 other things to fault him for.

  • yes they do they are trying to make a buck off obama lovers sad really...♥

  • i think the people who are dimwits are the ones who want the president to fail and criticize him for encouraging people to improve themselves.

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