Guy problem? Please answer?

So i have been talking to this guy and right now we consider each other "friends" but i like him and I'm pretty sure he likes me. We have known each other a while and hangout on and off. When ever we make plans with each other he seems really excited. When i texted him the other day he was like i was just thinking about you, and a couple of weeks ago i asked if something was bothering him and he said i guess not, you seem like you're fine with where we are as friends. We hung out and kissed a little but i acted like a tease kinda, maybe he took it the wrong way as dis interest. and he says things like you're so adorable you're so cute in person. He was like i was telling my friend about you you're like the funniest girl i know. He even hung out with me when i had a boyfriend. He usually initiates contact first but the past few times i have been texting him and when i saw him at school he didn't seem into talking that much. I feel like he's talking to another girl. Should i just wait things out?


  • This has happened to me but he probably isn't into u anymore and has moved onand he might think as u just a friend and u should move on before u get crazy about him or he might feel like he needs time for himself or just a player

  • If you're a girl, never, never put yourself in the place of being the aggressor. Waiting for HIM to contact you FIRST, lets you know if he's interested in you and just how much is he interested. If you don't hear from him, move on. Get on with your life with or without him. Any guy who isn't motivated enough to pursue you and stay in touch, is not a good prospect. He will be a big disappointment.

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