Any former Geico employees?

Hey. So I'm 22 years old and am going to finish up my bachelor's degree in biomedical science in May. I'm going to graduate with above a 3.0 and will only need to take 7 credits to complete my degree for the upcoming year so I was thinking about a full time job with geico in the meantime.

HOWEVER, I've heard horror stories from service reps in the buffalo area. How management treats their employees like dirt, etc... I really don't know what to believe because I usually take the "I'll believe it when I see it" approach.

SOOO, I casually applied for a geico service rep position and got called for the interview and it went well and they would like me to go through with the training. My question is: how is working for them? Do they offer any other shifts other than 8am-5pm or is that the standard? I completely forgot to ask about the shift question and I obviously was going to get an "it's all good" answer from the recruiters if I asked them how other employees enjoyed it.

If anyone has any experience and can help me out, I'd much appreciate it. Thanks!


  • I am not a Geico employee and have no clue. But check ripoffreport to see if there is any bad stuff on them.

  • There's no verb here. Why do you need it from Geico? You need to check with the HR department for Woolworth, or the continuance company.

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