Can you keep a "Pygmy Marmoset" as a pet?

A Pygmy Marmoset is the smallest Monkey in the world native to the rainforest canopies of western Brazil, southeastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru.

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I was just wondering if one would be allowed to keep one of these as a pet. Obviously not just let it run around the house like a Cat or a Dog, but with the right care and habitat (a fairly large cage filled with small trees... something along these lines lol)


  • I think these monkeys are under the cities act,therefore you can not own them,I am not sure you would be able to buy one,and if you could it would be a crime,monkeys are difficult to keep and need allot of attention,also this species live in groups so it would be unfair to cage one on its own,Frankly monkeys should stay in their natural habitat were they belong

  • Pygmy marmosets are extremely difficult to keep in captivity. Even the best zoos have problems keeping them healthy. So little is really known about their diet and other details of their wild lives that only the most informed professionals should attempt to keep them.

  • I don't know if you can have them but I wouldn't recommend keeping one because their teeth are extremely sharp. It wouldn't be too smart.

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