Why does my dog disrespect my sister?

My dog is a yorkie. So my dog is not allowed to go to one part of the house and whenever my sister tells her stay and opens the door, the dog runs through. This doesn't happen with any other family member. She will only listen if another family member is around watching her. Also, Minnie, the dog, would pounce on my sister if she runs or even just walking sometimes and she sometimes grabs her pant leg. She growls and barks before she goes in for the pounce. In fact, she actually bit her in the bottom and drew a little blood. First of all, why does my dog disrespect my sister? Is it because my sister barely interacts with her and hasn't ever given her a treat? My sister is also far weaker and shorter than she should be (a lot shorter) because of a disease, and she constantly causes fights/conflicts with the family because she does not listen. Does Minnie pounce on my sister because she is weak or does she think that my sister is evil or something? Please help I want to fix this as soon as I can.


My sister has always been slightly afraid of minnie, and now she is definitely afraid of her.


  • The dog doesn't respect your sister because your sister doesn't demand it and lets the dog walk all over her. simple as that.

  • I would look into your sister hurting minnie. I am only saying the dog could be ill-tempered toward her because of an instant where she hurt the dog whether it was an accident or not. Or maybe your sister is afraid of the dog and minnie senses this and is asserting dominance? Or rather minnie is threatened by your sister and is still trying to assert dominance.

    In any case, have your sister calmly pet the dog. Your sister should be nice toward minnie while petting him and have her feed minnie a few treats and assure the dog that she means minnie no harm. Try this out and see if things improve.

  • Dogs are not human so they don't know what is means to disrespect anyone. Your sister needs to work with the dog and train her or she will continue to think she is higher up in the pecking order.

  • How old is your sister, are you sure your sister didn't disrespect you dog first?, I know I did and that is why my brother's dog disrespects me, lol, maybe your sister is being harsh to ur dog while ur not there... U can't make ur dog like ut sister, maybe ur should ask ur sister if she doe anything to the dog and maybe try to make ur sister give the dog food or pet it, or go out with it through the park ?

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