Good Linux Distro? No gOS, Fedora, or Ubuntu?

Hello, i am using gOS, a crappy distro of linux. I would like to know if there is a linux distro that has a somewhat slick GUI and has software such as openoffice, firefox, and gimp already installed on it. I have already looked at fedora, ubuntu, and slackware distros.



  • I thoroughly recommend Linux Mint 7 Main Edition which is built upon Ubuntu 9.04 Its easy to install and easy to use plus it comes with much of the software you are likely to need preinstalled

    Linux Mint 7 Download

    Linux Mint 7 User Guide

    The Perfect Desktop - Linux Mint 7 (Gloria)

    You download the ISO. image of Linux Mint 7 then you need to create a Bootable LiveCD for installation

    Linux Mint 7 can also be run direct from the LiveCD from Booting up without touching your Hard Drive


    Ubuntu 8.04 LTS LiveCD


  • I actually just started using a new Linux distro that I've never heard of: Geubuntu. I think it's pretty sweet except that is has a lot of issues with a multiboot system (it wants to wipe out my entire c drive everytime I tell it to install, even though there is a whole separate empty partition). For now, I'm running it on a Live USB. For me: 1. Linux Sabayon 2. Fedora 11 3. Linux Geubuntu

  • thats the great thing about linux. If you want you can change it all to something you like. The possibilities are endless. gOS and eeebuntu already have wine, firefox, and open office installed. Don't listen to the people that say go back to windows. They think they are special and above others. It is good that you are trying something different. I use puppy mainly and kubuntu. But since 7 came out I haven't really touched nix in a bit. There is Mandake (Mandriva now) and redhat also Suse you could try. The flavors of nix are far more varried than windows it just might take time but most have a Live CD you can try out first. But like I said before you can change anything in any distro you just have to have patience.

  • Try Yoper it looks slick out of the box


    "Good Linux Distro? No gOS, Fedora, or Ubuntu?"

    You're not going to get any better than those

    as far as slick try downloading gtk themes manager or goign to gnome/kde

  • kubuntu

    btw, theirs not too many different os







    the rest are pretty much based on one of the above, note suse was based on redhat, slackware is the oldest, debian is completely run by a nonprofit, redhat is commerical american, suse is comerical german, slackware is owned by a guy named patrick. And if you really want something different try bsd. But they all can look however you want them to look, the real difference are more under the hood in how they boot, manage packages, manager hardware, release new versions, etc, etc, etc

  • Ubuntu by far is the best option for you.

    I use it on my workstations and on my server and it does a really great job, even better then Windows.

    Even though you have already "looked at it" have you actually TRIED Ubuntu? I strongly recommend you try it out.

    Who knows, you might just love it! I did!

  • If you do not see what you want in Fedora, Slackware or Ubuntu, give up. Go back to Windows.If you can not deal with these you will NOT find what you are looking for.

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