Guys & Girls: true or false...?

"the longer you stay single"

"the longer you serve as a Public Temptation &

a Threat to Someone's Relationship"...LOL


@ starkid, you've got a point there, thank you.


  • It really depends on the individual... I've had 4 gfs in my life so far and I never cheated on one of them and to my own knowledge they never cheated on me... Reciprocal loyalty... On the other side of the spectrum I know men I grew up with that will only go after a girl that is in a relationship or married, seduce them, ruin the marriage or relationship and then go on to the next if you can believe that...

  • fake.. you're in fact playing difficult to get in an severe way in case you by no ability enable them to nicely known haha. I mean yeah it exhibits you have standards and you will no longer fall for merely every person, yet once you artwork the guy to the bone he will ultimately provide up in the event that they think of you do unlike them back

  • well it is true if you show something that would really be a threat to the relationship... So it really depends on the person if he/she is somehow flirtatious? sorry for the word... But for me FALSE...

  • Temptation: true

    Threat: false.

  • True in the case of rakes.

  • false, the opposite is true.

  • Tried to answer. But i dont want to give work to my brain . Sorry....

  • I have been single all my life so far.

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