there is this girl that i like. She said i was cute like a weeks ago. I try to be nice to her. She thinks im a dick to my sister. I didnt want her to think that. Then when i was at the park i told her that i liked her but she said that she does not like me. I dont think its becas i was being a dick to my sister. I dont no nwhyy. How do you think that i ccan get her back. She already thinks im atrractive. Why doesnt she like me. How could i get herr to like me again.


  • She said you were cute, that doesn't necessarily mean that she is attracted to you. Personally, i think guys are cute, but i'm not attracted to them. I need to think a guy is hot. But you can try showing her your real personality because looks aren't all that matters. Girls aren't extremely shallow. Try to show her that you're nice and don't be a dick to your sister i guess lol. Just act like you always do even when she's not around because one of her friends could see you doing something that would make her think you're a jerk.

  • Okay just because she thinks your cute doesnt always mean's she likes you /:

    just try to take it easyish. because some guys try to fast to hard and girl just think GIVE ME SOME SPACE.

    hope it helps and it all works out.

  • just give her attention but dont be too annoying or buggy. just talk to her a lot, about casual things and she will probably begin to like you. just dont be pushy or too flirty. but still flirt.

  • Dude... your name is Kaine!!! You should get MAD pussie!

    ******' Kaine

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