im always paranoid?

recently i got told messy and disorganised people are more likely to have schizophrenia later on in life... i am extremely messy and cant organise anything! no matter how hard i try!! no one seems 2 be as bad as me! sinc ethen i have convinced myself i am going to get it, im rly scared of getting it! im only 16! we also got told people who are born in march are likely to get it and yes i was born then! i also since i can remember havew sometims had thoughts that people are watching me like if im naked in my room or somehting - i knew this wasnt true and my mates said they did 2 but now i think its just part of schizophrenia! also when im masturbating i have bad thooughts about gay people which make me want to be sik! i cant get them out of my head and im a straight guy! whyyyyyyyy!!!?? schizophrenia affects mainly people between the ages 17 - 30, what are my chances of getting it? do other people have weird thoughts like me? i am a really social guy normal with loads of friends etc..


  • EVERYONE does have these thoughts from time to time, and occasionally imagining people might be watching you is NORMAL.

    Schizophrenia affects only 1 in 100 people. I know a hell of a lot more people than that who are messy, who are born in March and who are between 17-30.

    There are much more sensible indicators for schizophrenia - like a family history, like previous drug abuse, even childhood trauma.

    There are a million and one statistics we can apply to every aspect of our lives, and yet most of the bad stuff doesn't happen.

    Statistically, we can assume that 1 in every 12 people is born in March (It's actually slightly LESS but anyway...) so...

    8.4% of people are born in March

    1% of people have schizophrenia

    So, you are much more likely NOT to be schizophrenic and still be born in March than you are to be schizophrenic and born in March.

    Most of the people I know are messy (myself included) but so far none of them are schizophrenic - I do know a schizophrenic neat-freak though!

    Most people have looked at a picture whose eyes follow you round the room, acknowledged it as a real belief but never had schizophrenia.

    people think of all kinds of things while they are masturbating, most of which have NO bearing on who they are.

    No one can tell you you will NEVER get schizophrenia (and if you do, the drugs have improved A LOT) but the chances are, you won't.

    Stop worrying, and enjoy your life

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    These are the main point to improve to sing better: 1. Breathing 2. Pitching (keeping in tune) 3. Articulation (especially for karaoke, it's important that you sing clearly as you would speak clearly- like remembering to finish words like 'Want' with an accented 't' sound at the end 4. Texturisation (this involves using dynamics in your voice to go louder and softer, more raspy then whispery to paint a textured picture journey along the way of the song!)

    For you some tips: -Find a song which you can sing before you go. If you could let me know your gender, how good you are at singing, and whether you have a deep or high voice I'll be happy to recommend a few for you -Take DEEP breaths during breaks in the song. Use any gaps to take in as much air as possible. Air is your bullets, your voice is your gun. ill the gun with the biggest, baddest bullets for best effects. But don't breath into the microphone! -Don't get too drunk before you sing- even if nervous. If you stay sober, bear in mind you'll sound better anyway because other people might be under the influence! -Make sure you use your WHOLE mouth to make the words sound clear. Don't mumble through tight lips. Practice making 'oooh' sounds and 'aaah' sounds and 'eeee' sounds into a mirror. See what your mouth wants to do instinctively. -Practice, Practice, Practice before the event so you'll know the song inside out. Don't get cocky though- you're nerves might throw you a bit so always keep an eye on the screen. Karaoke tracks might even be written differently to the original! -Have fun, and don't take yourself too seriously. People who take themselves seriously at karaoke are never liked as much as people who know they aren't as good, but put in an effort to try their best. It's a case of the underdog winning every time.

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  • There is absolutely no relationship between being messy and disorganized and schizophrenia, I am guessing someone is trying to scare you into being neater and used this as a threat to manipulate your anxiety. There is also no relationship between development of the disease and birth month.

    What it sounds like is that you have a good deal of anxiety around several areas of concern and I would suggest that you try talking with a school counselor who may be able to help reassure you about some worries and possibly hook you up with a therapist if necessary. It may help you to talk with someone in order to boost your self esteem and decrease dwelling on what is normal/not normal and to better accept yourself for who you are. It sounds like you have some supportive friends too who you trust enough to share your concerns with and that's a great resource too. Sixteen is a very confusing age and it sounds as though there are some people in your life who are contributing to your confusion with inaccurate information and who are not helping you manage your anxiety. Good luck!

  • okay, if you carry on thinking like this you are going to GIVE YOURSELF schizophrenia, I swear. Just calm down, you will be fine.

    I know a lot of people born in March and they're all perfectly normal. (Ish.) :) Also, how many people in the world do you reckon are messy and/or disorganised? A lot. How many people in the world have schizophrenia? Not as many as the media/your school like to tell you.

    If you are worried about your mental health see a counsellor. But please stop worrying, you will make yourself poorly. :)


  • I don't think you are as straight as you think you are, but other than that, you sound like a typical teenage boy. Being a little gay or bisexual, messy, born in march or uncomfortable being naked is not a schizophrenia. Stop worrying about it.

  • Ok. First of all you need to try and calm down a bit, some deep breathing, slowly in and out for 5 mins will help. Secondly, who 'told' you? Pay no attention to them, it's totally natural to have confused feelings when you're a teenager, and it will sort itself out as you get older. But you will make yourself poorly if you dont try to get a sense of perspective about all this. Schizophrenia has nothing to do with when you're born or how messy you are. If you really are worried then go and have a chat to your doctor, he/she will try and help you figure out why you're feeling so confused.

    As for the masturbation thing, it is also completely natural as you are growing up to have all sorts of thoughts as you are doing it, you are exploring your sexuality and feelings. Please try not to worry about the things you are thinking, you say it makes you want to be sick, but is that because you are secretly worried because it makes you feel good? Lots of my male straight friends had fantasies about gay sex in their teenage years, again...just exploring...and quite normal.

    Just a word of caution tho... this may not be 'you', but if you are involved in taking recreational drugs, pills/coke/weed, or drinking, then please give it a rest. These things have a habit of making feelings of paranoia much worse, even one spliff every few days can make your mind feel like crap.

    See your GP if you are still worried, but you have an amazing life ahead of you, get out there in the fresh air, run around a lot and wear yourself out, take up a hobby to give yourself something else to concentrate on, and learn to like who you are. In ten years time you will look back and wonder why you wasted so much valuable time worrying about all this!

    Good luck eh.


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  • If you are social with alot of friends chances are you won't become schizophrenic. In my experience lots of schizophrenics were loners before their diagnosis. If you had schizophrenia you wouldn't be asking these questions and definitely wouldn't think you had it.

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