very serious plz read?

ill explain

so i been friends with this guy for 5yrs. he likes me i like him. hes my brothers best friend and he lives with us. we all smoke pot. etc. friday night we were all drinking. the guy i like drank and smoked an OC Whichh is an oxy cotton. i drove back to his gramas house cause we were all sleeping there that night, he started twiching and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. he started ODING. he called me and grabbed my hand and told me he loved me.

the emergency people came and got him and took him to the hospital. he was passed out and having a secure by then. the whole time i was waiting for him to get out. i just keept thinkging about him telling me he loved me and how sad it was for me seeing him. i know i care about him as well. but when he came out he told i gave him a big hug. when he was in the hospital and could have vistors his grandma and aunt were the only two alloud. he told his grandma he loves me and didnt want me to be mad at him. and that he wanted to see me

do u think he is in love with me?




  • 1. no such alcohol level, maybe it was .136? 2. you both are addicts and should seek help, it sounds like the only thing he loves is the drugs. 3. he is in the hospital and all you are worried about is "does he love me?" how about how can i get clean and help him do the same.

  • You can't love someone unless you love yourself first. This guy definitely doesn't love himself because he's slowly committing suicide with the drugs and alcohol. And most people when drunk love every body. Had he loved himself he would never have done this to himself nor to those who love him such as his grandmother and aunt. I think the two of you have a lot to talk about; mainly your drug addictions. Is he in love with you? Who's to say? Right now it's just the drugs talking.

  • No,I think he must have been influenced by drugs,or just in heat.You will never find a good guy while you're on drugs.Time to grow up and small the coffee.

  • Yes I do.

    Now it is time for you to decide if you feel the same.

    And I think its time for both of you to give up the drugs and start actually living.

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