How Do You Climb Onto a Roof?

Like in the movies? What do you need to be able to do? I can do pull ups? What else to I have to do to get on the roof?


  • Try using a laddar.

  • First, you need a way up, big yellow gas pipelines are good if it's a commercial building. Otherwise, anything that can get your hands up on the shingles. Don't hang on the eavestrough, it will break right off!

    After the pull-up comes the "mantle", which is where you turn the finished pull-up into putting all your weighton top of your hands and pushing yourself up. Next comes the heel hook, or high-step, where you get a foot on the roof and transfer some wieght onto it.

    You're on the roof!

  • well... this is how you do it. First of all, you have to look at the wall you will try to scale. Although this is hard for novices, experts can immediately recognize handholds and objects they can grab on to in order to scale themselves onto the roofs. However, you have to realize that movies are still movies, and you might wonder why a convenient line of cracks in the wall would just be right in front of the actor. But hey, nothing is impossible. even things like stray wires, protruding bricks of chimneys, uneven lines of stucco on the wall, all of these could serve as adequate tools to get onto a roof.

    hope this helps.

  • Ladder.

  • ladders work, but if you want to climb onto your roof with out a ladder lok at the surrounding resources like a garbage can and a fence. clib onto the garbage can and then onto the fence then pull youself up.

  • umm a ladder? come on you don't have to be a genuis to figure that out. or, go upstairs and climb out the window. i do it.

  • there is an invention and its called a ladder

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