Is my daily exercise practical?

I exercise every day. That is, I dont have the time to go to the rec center and get a solid lift in so as an alternative I do segmented sets of pushups throughout my day. 5+ sets of 85-90 pushups partitioned from dawn until dusk have worked well for me so far with a set of curls in the morning and a 400+ set of jump ropes at night. I realize these workout dont target every major muscle group, but im working with the time I have and Im hoping someone could tell me whether i can make any gains with this regiment?


  • well, its better then doing nothing at all

    but your just doing uppear body.. mainly chest, biceps, triceps

    you also need lunges an squats, they are just as important

    an i wish u could hit that gym an do some weights

  • Definitely a great practical routine. However, doing curls daily isn't beneficial; biceps need more time to rest and recover because they're so small. You could throw in squats and deltoid/tricep dips

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