How do you safely protect/ preserve old photos?

Hello Guys

Hope you can help. On a recent clean out of the house I have found some old family photographs. Real old now Id estimate them to be 1910's (namely cause its stamped on one). they were in the back of my wardrobe and so have been dry all this time but there was damp in there :/

The photos are in good condition backed by some type of cardboard or thin board, but are not framed. The image is still clear but looks a bit shiny if you tilt it. (is this the ink or degradation of the image?) The border of the photos are spotted I would think this is some microbe, maybe fungi?? My question is what can I do to stop its spread and effectively protect them so I can have them for many more years.

Thanks a mill :D


  • Always use acid-free paper and plastic, regular stuff can harm the photos over time. Before you put them in plastic, make sure they are dry, otherwise you will just trap the water in there too!

    The spotting does sound like fungus. In black & white pictures, the black is actually silver and will last hundreds of years if looked after. Colour pictures use dye and will fade over time. The weak part of any photograph is the paper backing. It's organic, and will rot if not kept dry. The shiny stuff is probably the glossy resin coating and nothing to worry about.

    Store the pictures with some dessicant like silica gel, to absorb any moisture that does get in. Keep the photos in a low-humidity place and somewhere where the temperature is relatively stable (so an attic is usually a bad choice). Keep the pictures in an airtight box - a lunchbox is a good choice if you can get one that's large enough.

    One risk you can't mitigate is that you'll lose your photos if your house burns down. The only way around this is to scan them on your computer and keep a backup off-site - either on a hard disk at a friend's house or in your workplace, or by backing up to a cloud service like Dropbox.

  • Put them in see thru plastic pockets that are labelled acid free - I do not know where you would get them in the US but here in the UK WH Smiths stock A4 size and if your photos are larger i got some A3 of a site to do with preserving old birth certificates etc(geneology)( i use them to store enlargements of photos I took myself).

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