how do you train parakeet's?

ok so We have 2 cute parekeets that make alot of noise and dirt around thier cage.

we have a blue male and a green female. we have them since june.

I am trying to train them to go on my finger with no luck.

everytime i put my hand in the cage they try to fly away and when i do succeed to catch them by gently holding thier tale and trying to pat thier stomack they bite.

so what am i doing wrong and how do we train them to come to our finger.

I, v had other birds before them who would climb on my finger. but somehow these birds are very stubborn.

any good sujjestions


  • What I did with my birds, is I just set my hand in their cage, and didnt try to pick them up or anything, just set my hand in the cage, and let them get used to it. After a while, they should get used to your hands, and maybe even come and step on it.....Once they get to that stage, you should be able to put your hand in there, and put it close enough to them where they will step on your finger. It worked with my two birds! Dont forget, its not going to happen overnight, give it some time.

  • Well, the main problem is that they have probably taken a better liking to eachother, than humans in general, but at such a point, especially with a male and female, I wouldn't seperate them, because they might just get worse and start panicing. I've had similar problems with keets that were "passed down", and I recieved after they'd grown out of the baby stage. "Domesticating" them takes a lot of time and patience, but isn't hard.

    Make sure they are in an area where they see you a lot, and where it's not uncomfortably busy, but where they won't become completely noise-shy, etc. Stick your hand in the cage every once in a while, even daily if you like, and just let them get accustomed to it. Hang out by their cage and do something, read, write, whatever, so that they don't associate you with trouble. Talk to them, maybe whistle a familiar tune every time you greet them. Eventually they'll relax more when you put your hand in the cage (especially if you practice this), and from there you can slowly progress into moving your hand closer to them. Some birds are VERY touchy about their backs and bellies being touched, so I wouldn't outright go and grab them or try to touch them constantly until they are relaxed enough around you not to care overly much if your hand is inches from them. From there you can touch them more, and maybe gently grab out around the middle (while gently holding the tail works, it can also be dangerous if you bird isn't still--he could potentially rip out all of his tail feathers). Maybe take one out in a closed room that's quiet at this point, and just focus on holding it, and cooing to it, etc. Let it sit on your shoulder, or your hand. If it flies off (try to clip their wings as well), just wait for it to get to a settled point and pick him/her back up and repeat. Don't exhaust the bird with these sessions, otherwise it will be uncomfortable. Just fifteen minutes daily or every other day is enough. Eventually, your birds won't mind you around them, or handling them and should be docile pets. :)

  • My parakeets did the same thing when I first got them. I always would try and make them stand on my finger but they flew away. Everyday you need to go in there very slowly and go up to them slowly so they get the sign that your not there to hurt them. Then once they get better at that, out ur finger on their belly so they get the signal. I did that everyday to mine and now i hold them all the time. Thank You! -Haylie

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