Why do girls turn into sluts?

My ex who I went out with for a year turned into a slut. She lost her virginity to me and did everything with me for the first time. She was so sweet and noone ever thought that innocent little her would turn into a slut. But now I hear how she gets wasted at parties every weekend and hooks up with guys. I feel like ****


What? how?


  • Well, you're sorta the one who brought her into THAT sick world

  • I don't think it's the face that she's turned into a "Slut" is what's bothering you... I think you're just mad that she chooses to do things with other boys, and not you. It's part of growing up. Just because she lost her virginity to you- Doesn't mean that you now own the key to her vagina. Instead of focusing on what, or who she's doing.. How about you grow up, and find another girl?! Simple.

  • I don't think I'm qualified to answer this cause I'm 13 and still a virgin... but i'll give it a try.. Umm Maybe they like the feeling of you know, and want more of it.. You'd be suprized at what little things can do to change people.. and Don't worry, it's not your fault.

    Help me?


  • I ask myself the same question every day... they start out so innocent and then they just go and ruin themselves... shame really.

    Don't beat yourself up - girls like that are certainly not worth the effort or attention.

    If a girl is genuine, she'll stay genuine.

  • Misunderstanding is so much worse than not understanding. don't be arrogant enough to believe that

    your views are based on understanding.

    And, it is MEN that make such notions of women being "sluts"

    Educate yourself better about human life -it's a lot more complicated tha you might think, but a lot more simple than you think too!

    Good luck!

  • Cuz girla fe the need to get acceptence by guys and most girls choose to do it sexually

  • idk man i think its a phase they all go thru. like my ex wen we broke up she turned into a slut too. it must just be a phase. but you guys broke up and obviously she moved on so dont feel like $hit my man. just move on an do ur thing like i did.

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