How To Dress To Impress A boy?

I'm not really all girly and "ohhh" I am NOT into dresses and skirts and I like jeans but how should I do my make-up and stuff and what should I wear b-cause theres this cute guy I want to impress. I am wearing skinny black jeans for sure. What top? Make-up? Maybe how should i act


  • Well first make sure this guy likes girly girls cuz if not its all a waste :/

    But if u know he likes girly girls, don't wear a sportsy shirt or anything. Wear something feminine. Idk what shirts you have but a girls color or something that fits really well on you or has flowers or something. Also spray a couple squirts of perfume on you thats vanilla or flowery or something but don't overdue it. If you don't have one, one of your friends will most likely have perfume in there locker! Makeup wise, don't over due it oo much but a color that matches your shirt will be good for eyeliner but don't do too much otherwise it looks really bad. But first put on eyeliner. I'd use brown pencil if you don't know how to do eyeliner too well. if you do, then you can do whatever. Then use some mascara and if you want touch up your cheeks with a little bit of blush but be careful to not use too much. Then just smile at him a lot and stuff and when he looks over at you give like an embarressed little smile like he caught you staring at him and then look down quickly.

    Hope this helps and good luck to you! :)

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