How do these processors compare?

I am buying an imac, so if you do not like me already, feel free to leave because any aters will be ignored. I am deciding between a refurbished 2009 imac which has a 2.8 GHz quad core i7 processor and a new 2010 imac with a 2.8 GHz quad core i5 processor. How does the old i7 quad core compare with the new i5 quad core? Thanks, Tom


Also, please bear in mind that the refurbished model with the i7 will cost me £1399 as opposed to £1650 for a new model with the i5. Is the better graphics card really worth £250?


  • They are very similar except as mentioned the i7 has hyperthreading. However, you might prefer the new i5 iMac because it has significantly better graphics. (ATI Radeon HD 5750 with 1 GB GDDR5 memory vs ATI Radeon HD 4850 with 512 MB of GDDR3).

  • The i7 is better because it has Hyperthreading- it can run 2 instructions in each core, so it's almost like it has 8 cores.

  • I think for the hyper threading for cores I'd go with the i7..

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