I am a beginner dj and want to know if i need to make a set-list for a party/club or anything.. Or can i just burn CDS and pick songs from there? What should i do..?


  • For and against both ways.

    A set list is convenient and might work but you'd need to be prepared to deviate from it and change the track choice if it's not getting the required response from the audience.

    Audience response can vary venue to venue, by age group or even over time - early in the evening to later on as they relax more (even more if there's a bar).

    The ability to "read" an audience can only be developed over time so be prepared for a few hiccups.

    Knowing the type of gig you'll be doing will be a guide as to the style of music you'll need.

    You could use a set list for the first half hour - 45 minutes or so to gauge response then select suitable tracks as needed.

    There are no hard and fast rules so this is just a suggestion.

  • they frequently, take calls. evaluate the stations modern-day playlist set up the subsequent track. Have a snack. Smoke a cig. talk over with the receptionist. talk over with the different DJ's. pretend that they are cool. Do their taxes. Pop some pills. Drink coffee or Mt. Dew, think of of something clever/corny to declare in the past/after their next set, then they pop in the subsequent track..

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