Bankruptcy - Transferring Minor Assets Into Partner's Name?

I'm applying for bankruptcy and am currently being pressurised by bailiffs. I'm pretty sure I've dragged the situation out for as long as I possibly can and now the next step is inevitably going to be visits from the big burley men dressed in black. Is it possible to generate invoices for any item within my household detailing the sale of such item to my partner? I could certainly do this with a complete stranger who lives at a different address. Bailiffs can't seize property you have sold in this manner to a complete stranger, so what difference is there with a person who lives at the same address. If I'm the legal owner of a television for example, it is my legal right to be able to sell that TV to any other human being and of course provide the receiver with an invoice detailing proof of purchase.


  • You can do what you like about selling and invoices

    but obviously an invoices states the amloint fo money received in exchange for goods.

    So YOU would be required to show the amount of money stated on the invoice beign received into your account OR account for what you have spent it on

    But 2 other things

    1) you would be expected to receive the market rate for whatever you sold

    2) if you cant account fro the money recieved or the invoices, isnt for the market rate, then the the transaction iis fraudulent and your partner would be an accesory partner in that fraud

    (and I would strongly advise against removing goods after bailiffs have listed them

    Thats a criminal offence)

  • you want to be detailed about commiting fraud?

    They don't want the stuff, they want cash. Also, dumping assets like cars,boat, land... Thats not permitted and if the courts found out, your bankruptcy would be tossed out and you'd be thrown to the wolves. Your furniture, TV, stereo and beer doesn't even matter. Go see a lawyer and you'll feel much better and the harassing calls end.

    I took a 13 and we still held our house and the farm property. I paid for my house and truck outside of the bankruptcy and let them have the truck when GM took tax dollars for a bailout or face a bankruptcy themselves. Funny how they think the tax payers should be sympathetic to their need while they could not have cared any less about my situation.

  • Surely it would be easier to remove the items from the house, this is legal and doesn't generate paperwork which could "trip you up" in future...get a friend to store your stuff until the bailiff part of all this is over...and they don't always visit, just make sure that your list of assets is plausible.

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