Does gun+car=boom?

Do you personally believe that it is possible to cause an explosion in a car by shooting it, like in the movies?


  • Incredibly unlikely.

    There was an episode of mythbusters on this very subject, they tried and tried every way to get an explosion, no luck.

  • I watched a test a while ago on tv where they tested this very question out. The answer, suprisingly, was no. The test crew fired round upon round from a high power rifle into the gas tank, and various other places on the car and nothing happened. Although it may be possible, I would guess its highly unlikely.

  • Sure when the copper/metal from the bullet rubs on the metal (take for example by the gas tank) it produces a spark


    so yes it is possible

  • Hi. Well a 50mm round to the fuel tank should do it. IOW I agree with answer 1.

  • I am not sure but if you hit the petrol tank, it may explode.

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