How Do I make a "F" key type a sentence?

I am working as an online support agent. I have to type THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

So I was wondering if there is some sort of program or shortcut to typing because my support program i use does not support

copy and pasting.

If anyone can help me, please tell me how.

Thank you.


Yes, I want to preset one of my "F" keys to automatically type a given sentence.


  • word and such all have available shortcuts. in the main menu under word options you can add your own quick strokes. (customize tab) find an unlikely key stroke combination and set it up to where when you do that it puts in that dreadful sentence.

    and that can be done easier through the auto correct feature. set it up to where when you type in @$$ it auto corrects to that dreadful sentence too...

    good luck

  • You mean presetting one of your keys to a sentence?

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