How to encourage parakeets to breed?

I have a bird breeding box and everything that I need and they are old enough and they don't want to go into the new bird box because I bought it yesturday. How should I encourage them to breed and go into the box?


  • I have heard that budgies(parakeets) like to breed in front or near other pairs. I dont think you want to get two more budgies though.

    So i think you should let them get used to the nest.

  • They need some time to get used to the breeding box.

    Also, this is a little late in the breeding season. Be patient, and let nature take it's course.

  • Hey, didn't i tell you once to let them have sunlight and/or room light for 14-16 hours per day to get their hormones going? If they still don't mate, then you bought it from a breeder that knows how to neuter them before selling them. You ought to go buy a new pair from a new breeder, and make sure you ask if they can breed or not this time.

    I know it's hard to let go of the present useless ones that you have kid, but you must and will forget about them once you've bred your very own youngs from your new breedable pair. Thats when it really belongs to you, when you bred them and saw them hatch and watched them grow. Aske the pet store if they wanna buy your current ones if they cannot breed. Goodluck.

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