Nokia n97 or nokia c6?

I am confused whether to buy nokia n97 or nokia c6! i luv the slidin keyboard and handwritin text input in both.. bt dunno wich is betta.. pls suggest wich is betta!!


  • Nokia C6 is Latest Mobile with advanced Features...............

  • I don't know about the c6 but i have the n97 and it always freezes on me (always when someone calls me) and it won't stop with the nokia ringtone, which drives me crazy. It's like every second call I get the ringtone switches back to nokia. And the battery life is awful...I don't even take many calls a day and i'm lucky if I don't have to recharge the phone everyday.

  • Nokia N97: I've heard so many complaints, the c6 I don't know.

  • nokia n97 it has 32gb internal memory and more processor power than the c6 so will not lag much

  • You NOkia Loser,but a sony ericsson

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