Online piano made easy?

so i know the notes but i don't have a piano, is there a place where i can enter the notes and hear how it goes??


  • yea, go to

    and play it on the keyboard. you can edit the notes by hand in that line where they are written. you can also write notes that are not on that keyboard.

    if you've finished DON'T press on Play (it doesn't work and you will lose all your work), instead press on "Search Musipedia". a new window opens and you see the score of your entry on top of the page. click now on the little speaker icon just below the notes. if you have Winamp click on "Open", the file will be transferred direct into Winamp. otherwise click "Save" and store the file in any directory.

    another site with a 5 octave piano is

    but this has no save function.

  • Try . It's online piano with ability of record and save your melody.

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