Car Sick confused!?

Why do ur parents tell you to look out the window when u r car sick? how does that help?


  • One reason we get dizzy in the car is that our semicircular canals in our ear sense intertia which gives us the input of movement. Yet, when we stare at an object inside the car, the visual input from our eyes tells us we are stationarly. The brain cannot handle this conflict and results in dizziness and nausea. Therefore, looking at the horizon with our eyes confirms what we sense with our inner ear.

    They tell you to also look on the horizon when seasick...the worst thing to do is to lie down.

  • Benedryal, dramamine, or scopalmine (sp) patches (they are motion sickness patches that you put behind the ear and can be worn for 3 days. Although I am not sure if they are recommended for that age. Having something on the stomache will actually help, and if he does get sick, he has something to vomit rather than dry heaving which is awful. Have him look straight ahead rather than out the side windows. Rolling the windows down or turning on the ac will help. Having some crackers on hand as well as some water or ginger ale or sprite will help. Controlled breathing helps. Or giving your pediatrician a call would be helpful as well.

  • If you are looking out the window and focusing on a far away object, there is less eye movement when the car hits a bump or turns. If you are looking at something close (reading for example) every turn or bump will cause your eyes to shift and have to readjust. This send signals to your brain that can cause nausea.

    Motion sickness is caused by too much input of motion to the brain (movement causes fluid to shift in our inner ears as well as stimulates visual cues).

  • It allows your mind to focus on stationary items outside and eliminates the probable cause of the problem, the inner ear spinning when you look up and down in a confined area. I had an accident a few years back and it damaged one of my ears, as a result when I went to bed at night and turned out the lights, the room began to spin. My “fix” at that point was to leave the light on so I could focus on a stationary item I knew was not moving and override the spinning sensation………………….

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