Ok amiguitos bilingues necesito ayuda para traducir un texto SIN TRADUCTOR????

Espanol a ingles, sin traductor por favor, es un texto que no puede tener errores.

Es la mezcla de hidrocarburos procedentes de la destilacion fraccionada del petroleo para ser empleado como combustible en algunos automoviles. Hoy en dia es el tipo de combustible mas usado en el mundo pero es una sustancia altamente toxica que puede causar intoxicacion si es inhalada o por ingestion, ademas es una sustancia derivada del petroleo lo que la hace altamente contaminante.

Gracias muchas gracias


  • It is the mixture of hydrocarbons from the fractional distillation of oil to be used as fuel in some cars. Today is the most widely used type of fuel in the world but is a highly toxic substance that can cause poisoning if inhaled or ingested, and it is a substance derived from petroleum which makes highly polluting.

  • It is the mixture of hydrocarbons from the fractional distillation of oil to be used as fuel in some cars. Today is the most widely used type of fuel in the world but is a highly toxic substance that can cause poisoning if inhaled or ingested, and it is a substance derived from petroleum which makes highly polluting.

  • ps traducelo tu no seas webas

  • a million. This help with the mobility of autos interior the city, because of the fact it permited to bypass quicker above places like lakes, rivers, mountains or places the place isn't easy topersistent throu. 2. This invention helped households to talk between cities, cities, and it contributed to the rustic's financial equipment. Sobre - Envelope

  • It is the mixture of hydrocarbons from the fractional distillation of oil to be used as fuel in some cars. Today is the most widely used type of fuel in the world but is a highly toxic substance that can cause poisoning if inhaled or ingested, and it is a substance derived from petroleum which makes highly polluting

    Es la mezcla de hidrocarburos procedentes de la destilacion fraccionada del petroleo para ser empleado como combustible en algunos automoviles. Hoy en dia es el tipo de combustible mas usado en el mundo pero es una sustancia altamente toxica que puede causar intoxicacion si es inhalada o por ingestion, ademas es una sustancia derivada del petroleo lo que la hace altamente contaminante.


  • It is the mixture of hydrocarbons proceeding from the by installments distillation of the oil to be used as fuel in some cars. Nowadays it is the type of fuel mas used in the world but it is a highly toxic substance that can cause poisoning if it is inhaled or for ingestion, in addition it is a substance derived from the oil what makes her highly pollutant.


  • Is the Mixture between hydrocarbons that comes from the fractionated destilling of petrol to be use like fuel in some cars. Now a day es the kind of fuel more use in the entire world but its a sustance higly toxic that can cause intoxication if its inhaled or ingested, besides being a sustance that comes from the petrol mekes it higly pollutant.

    PD: "Oil" quiere decir aceite, no petroleo.

  • It is the mixture of hydrocarbons from the fractional distillation of oil to be used as fuel in some cars. Today is the most widely used type of fuel in the world but is a highly toxic substance that can cause poisoning if inhaled or ingested, and it is a substance derived from petroleum which makes highly polluting.

    bye! :) spero t ayude

  • It is the mixture of hydrocarbons from the fractional distillation of oil to be used as fuel in some cars. Today is the most widely used type of fuel in the world but is a highly toxic substance that can cause poisoning if inhaled or ingested, and it is a substance derived from petroleum which makes highly polluting.

  • It is the mixture of hydrocarbons from the fractional distillation of oil to be used as fuel in some cars. Today is the most widely used type of fuel in the world but is a highly toxic substance that can cause poisoning if inhaled or ingested, and it is a substance derived from petroleum which makes highly polluting

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