dirt bike has no spark?

i was ridein my bike for 10 or so minuts then put it away for the day the next day when i went to start it up it had no spark,

i checked the coil ,wireing, the cap,spark plug, im pretty sure the cdi is good but im not sure how do i check it?


  • The easiest way to check a CDI is to plug in one you know works. If you get spark, voila! If not...

    Junk in = Junk out. That means that if the CDI is getting bad info, it'll give a bad spark. You need to check every input wire. That means getting a wiring diagram, figuring out what each wire going into the CDI comes from, and determining if that wire is carrying the information it's supposed to be carrying.

    Of course, before spending a couple hours troubleshooting the magic box, I'd double check the primary and secondary resistance of that coil, and the resistance of the wire and cap. I'd make dang sure that plug isn't just fuel fouled or something silly. I'd check my pickup coil.

    However, if you rode for 10 minutes, and it's a smaller 2-stroke, I'm going to say you fouled your plug. You've got to beat those little 2-strokes to death to keep the plug clean.

    Hit it with carb cleaner, a wire brush, and compressed air. check your gap, squirt a smidge of carb cleaner in your cylinder, plug the plug back in, and kick it. I bet it starts...

    Good luck.

  • Year? Make? Model?

    How can you be sure the CDI is good?

    Check it with a meter and the service specs in your service manual - like a professional mechanic would do.

    Electrical components can burn out in an instant, without reason.

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