[email protected]?

I twice responded to Y!A's violation notice/ Once using the Y!A inline form and once by replying to the emailed notice of violation. Both times MAILER-DAEMON blocked my messages. How do I pursue this if my attempts are blocked?

Some uptight guy said that my question WAS THE PEANUT BUTTER ON THE INSIDE OF THE LID? Was not a question and threatened me with a violation. So I wrote under Additional Details that the inverted word order (Verb preceded the subject) defined a question.

My question said in plain English that this was a household hint (I used the edge of a Saltine cracker). I did infact get a response which was a household hint (use an apple slice) and I awarded Best Answer.

I need to to find out why a breezy, jocular question is considered to be a viol;ation.


  • You cannot reply to a Yahoo! Answers email, by clicking the 'Reply' button.

    You must Appeal, by clicking the LINK in the Violation Notice.

    However, I recommend NOT appealing in this particular case, because your question really is a violation. :-(

    If you lose an appeal, there will be an additional 10 points deducted from your account!

    Sometimes, breezy, jocular questions are considered 'Chat' violations.


    Here are some other Community Guidelines:


    Reading them will prevent you from receiving any more violation notices. :-)

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