How do I nicely say no to a facebook "sister" request?

My ex-friend Sarah, started going goth two years ago. I moved last summer, and with me gone she had like one friend left and went all out goth. Her younger sister Emma is normal, but they still have the same last name, so people would know it's Sarahs sister, which embarrasses me. I rarely talk to either of them anymore. I'm definitely not Emmas "sister", how can I nicely say no?


Well she did ask like two weeks ago, I ignored it, so now she's posting on my wall to accept it


  • I would ignore it, and if she sent me a message asking why, I would tell her we don't seem to have much in common these days. I have unfriended a couple of nieces, one who developed a potty mouth, and one who bragged about indescretions with many men.

  • Consider being her friend. She may need your friendship more than you realize. Many kids go goth or other unusual styles to gain much needed attention. Dont worry what other people think of you being friends with her. You will find out later in life, if not sooner, that when you dont worry what other people think of your decisions, you will experience much greater freedom to achieve much greater accomplishments with your life.

  • Well.. I would just click no and if she asked, I would either tell the truth or say "I don't want any more family requests stuffing up my Facebook page" ... Hope I helped. ^.^

  • Just decline it. If she asks then say you didnt receive any notification or didnt see it . Its only FB :)

  • just nicely press the ignore buttom...

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