Would republicans prefer dark-age feudalism to capitalism?

The rich would still be power, much like they are now. And there would be an even bigger gap in income and the middle class would be non-existent, which is what they desire.


  • Well given that there are no such thing as "dark age" and "feudalism", I'll go ahead and say no.

  • actually this is pretty much what we have now.

    we certainly don't have anything close to pure capitalism, that's for sure.

    or any kind of business bailout, let alone annual tax break or any kind of subsidy would simply not exist.

    if a business requires any kind of federal or state assistance to exist, then it shouldn't.

    ayn rand called anyone (and i mean ANYONE) who took this sort of money 'looters...'

    but in our pseudo capitalist/socialist economy (where profits are privatized and losses are socialized) the way it works is the richer you are, the more likely you are to be on some form of state or federal aid.

    there is land in new york city, which hasn't been farmed for literally hundreds of years - who get annual farm aid.

    american oil companies are richer than any other industry in history - yet they receive billions in 'aid' and tax breaks each year from the govt.

    i could go on, but i think i've made my point...

  • Just like New York State where the politicians decide who gets rich and they hold a gun to our head to pay. New York has by far the largest gap in income and has the most programs, largest government employees per capita and most taxes in the nation.

    Aren't facts annoying?


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