No community service?

This is long, but please bare with me.

Am I in trouble for not having any community service? The application asks for volunteer experiences from Grade 9 and beyond. Unfortunately, I participated in volunteer work in Grades 7 and 8. In Grade 7, I was in-charge of a game stall for a charity fun fair and in Grade 8, I collected the highest amount of money in the tin can donation. These events were organized by our school, and from Grade 9 onwards, the school did not organize any such events. I did not look for volunteer work for myself after that. Well, I wanted to volunteer at a local mental institute after Grade 10, but my social anxiety got in the way. I have volunteered on an online site dedicated to helping homosexual teenagers, and regularly answered questions under the Mental Health section on Yahoo! Answers (using another account). But I don't think I can write these down, because these aren't legitimate organizations.

Should I mentioned the above in the Additional Information? Is it alright to say that I'm socially anxious? Would it place me at a disadvantage? Moreover, I've to mentioned that I withdrew from school after Grade 10 due to my OCD. Should I just say health reasons? Would they not accept me because they might think that University will be too difficult for me? I think that many students cloak up hours of community service just to beautify their University application. It's fake and not genuine at all. Should I say that too?

Thank you.


  • First of all if you don't have legitimate organizations where you have volunteered then don't try to "embellish" any resume by discussing online activities such as Yahoo Answers. That simply will not give you any brownie points, unfortunately.

    You certainly aren't "in trouble" for failing to become involved in community service however you may just have to work a little harder to prove that you are a serious contender. Do you need to talk about your health issues (like OCD)? Absolutely not, saying you had suffered from medical problems which did not allow you to continue after grade 10 is all that needs to be said.

    As far as discussing your opinions about what other people put on their university applications.. that is definitely not going to put you in anyone's good books, believe me. It will sound as though you are whining and trying to even the playing field by belittling the other students.

    Just make your own case for being an ernest, self-motivated individual who has had a few medical issues working against you in the past but that is not preventing you from giving it your best shot right now.

  • Theres a charity that will allow you to pay off your community servicehours my brother and a friend used them how it works is if you have 8hours it equals $80.00 you can make a donation threw there website andthey send you out your paperwork, however I don't know if there hours have went up far as community service but the last time we check it was between $10.00 to $12.00 an hour we looked into this charity first beforemaking a donation to make sure they were legal and yes indeed they are a501c3 nonprofit charity they are called Uplifting Kids they are a charitymy brother was soooo happy because it kept him from going to jail, thecourts was not trying to offer him an extention so he paid them off heemailed and called them and someone got back to him right away he neededthis paper from the charity like asap and they charged him for theovernight which between 40.00 and 45.00 dollars and an expedited charge of$50.00 , they did a professional letterhead and sent it out to him, he wastoooo happy and he took the paper to the courts and everything was ok theyare also court approved all over the world I couldnt be more pleased withthis charity they saved my brothers and his friends freedom from going tojail, they also have alot of other programs if you can't afford to pay thehours off you can do a fundraise you can reach them by via email [email protected] and also by phone at 1-855-581-9111 and therewebsite is call them they can help you and if youneed a professional letterhead urgent then let them know, I wouldn't trytheses other places online they are not legit this is the only one i couldfind for my brother that is legit and not a scam and they followed threwwith a tracking number and we signed for the document so check them outhowever you can't get no refunds if you decide not to go with them. Theyare doing great things for people all over the world and kids. Check themout they are even open late hours they help with court community serviceand also school community service as well, you can also do a fundraise foryour hours they have alot of pretty cool programs they are great oh not to mention they are also on the Irs website as well to verify this charity.

    Don't call them unless you are serious about paying off your hours right away because the Ceo is a very busy lady, but she is very nice and will do anything to help anyone in need of help they are open pretty late on the weekends and the weekdays.

  • I suggest running with developmentally challenged children. I did and it was once a individual revel in. They taught me such a lot. Also historical people properties are a well notion, however it is fairly very unhappy and rough paintings. Animal shelters, the crimson move, and meals drives also are well recommendations. You would wish to check out calling right into a aid scorching line and asking the man or woman who solutions the mobile how you'll be able to get worried. I thanks for in need of to volunteer, you are a well man or woman.

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