How exactly does prom work?

My school has prom in a few weeks(I'm a senior) But how exactly does it work? Are you supposed to take your girlfriend or just ask any girl to it? I usually take my girlfriend to parties and dances and stuff, so what's the point in spending so much money on clothes, pay a lot to get it and have rules when we can go somewhere nicer for less money? Is it just for being a memorable experience?


  • Prom is really about having memories with your friends before you graduate. If you have a girlfriend, she usually expects you to ask her. Another important thing that girls look for is that she gets a corsage. I do agree that prom can be ridiculously expensive, but in the end it's all about the memories that you will make with your friends before you graduate, because you don't know if you will ever see them again. You can also usually find the formal apparel on sale. If you do end up going, have a fun time and don't think about how much you are paying for it. Part of the reason it can be expensive is if your school holds it at a really nice hotel or something, or hires people to make nice food or expensive decorations.

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